How Long Should Silicone Sealant Last Around Your Home

How Long Should Silicone Sealant Last Around Your Home

Silicone is an extremely durable, long-lasting product which is why there are many products available on the market today that use silicone based products to help keep things around your home safe and secure. This includes silicone sealant products which you will find used in virtually every room of your house, including sealing your windows and around your shower walls and bathtubs. However, over time you may find it necessary to apply silicone sealants around your home again. The period of time that silicone sealants products will last depends on a variety of factors including the environment in which it’s being used, weather conditions, and whether it was properly applied in the first place.

Most silicone sealant products will last a minimum of 20 years, but you may want to begin checking your windows and in your bathroom sooner to ensure there are no gaps anywhere. When checking the silicone sealants around your home, first look at the condition of the silicone product. If you find gaps or areas that are beginning to peel back or break loose it may be time for you to apply another application to ensure there isn’t a draft around your windows or an area where water can begin to leak from in your bathroom. This will help with issues of energy cost as well as with issues of water damage around your home.

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